Dream Came True.

My dearest ones, the time has come. For two of you who are reading this letter, please start planning the biggest party of your life.

My longest dream has come true; I am finally dead. Yes, I am at last free from all those pains and frustrations of the world, and getting rid of my old and broken down body. I have lived a happy life without anything to regret, and now is the time for our final farewell. I wish the two of you celebrate my gaining final freedom thoroughly so that it does not depress anyone coming to my funeral. 

First, with my remaining money, please buy a big apartment placed in the centre of Seoul, where my funeral will be held and the ones who will be attending the funeral (including the two of you) will be visiting frequently even after my funeral. 
My funeral will be held twice: once at night, once at noon on the day after the funeral held at night. At night, please throw a giant party that everyone who I know will be invited and enjoy the music and food. For the music, I want you to play the most popular party songs(I prefer the "I'm the one-DJ Khaled" type of songs)at the time period my funeral is held so that there won't be a moment for any depression to intercept. Also, for the ones who are invited, please don't inform them of my death except for the people who will participate in the second funeral that will be held at noon the day after the party. In their invitation, only include the sentences describing that it is a party held to celebrate Jane's final dream coming true. Don't feel guilty for not telling them my death while you are using my money for my funeral, because I am actually thoroughly happy for me being dead. How wonderful it is to become free from the world where all those dirty humans exist and crimes occur!

Second, I want you two to recite my eulogy in front of all the people partying through the microphone at the very beginning of the party, but please don't mention my death. I want it to be recited in the following fashion:
"Now, let's take a time to deeply thank the person who made this party come true: Jane Han. She has been living a wonderful life, with her everlasting youth, doing things she really wanted to do, loving the ones she really loves, doing her best to make positive changes in society. She really is a person who knows how to love someone. It is sad not to have Jane present at this party, but please keep in mind that she will be here with us all along our lifetime - "
For the following things, talk about anything that you want to talk about me. I trust you. You know that, right?

Third, for the second funeral held the day after the party, I want it to be calm and peaceful, just like Sunday morning. First, please watch the movie "Eternal Sunshine" and "Begin Again" together for me, those are movies that are included in my 'favourite movie list'. I thought that there may be one romance movie and one encouraging movie would be needed, for cheering you guys up. 
We used to always play hard at night and drink tea with bread in the next morning whenever we had a sleepover, remember? I wanted my funeral to follow that routine, too. Please prepare a high-quality black vanilla tea for you guys and a few more of my loving ones, and prepare a Haagen-Dazs chocolate and vanilla ice cream so that you can eat while drinking the tea - this is my favourite Sunday morning breakfast that I used to enjoy with a movie from my 'favourite movie list'. 
I don't want this procedure to be depressing. It has to be peaceful and pleasant. For the music after the movies have ended, please play "Photograph-Ed Sheeran" and "Beautiful-Carly Rae Jepson, Justin Bieber" as a theme song - the best love songs of my life. I want my second funeral to be full of love. A conversation about what kind of person I have been between the participants of the second funeral will replace the eulogy. 
I want the second funeral to be a pleasant tea time for those invited. Whenever you think there is nothing left to talk about, you can end the funeral and let people can go back to their original places. 

Fourth, for the usage of the apartment bought for the funeral, I want it to be a place where everyone who participated in the second funeral can use whenever they miss me or think that they need a rest from the reality. I am eager to use all my remaining money solely for just the maintenance of the place. I would like to leave a place where my loving ones can pleasantly rest by my side in the world I am about to leave because even though I have longed for death, I never wanted to leave my precious people. But I don't want anyone else except for those my people bring to enter my place. So be careful that only the people of the second funeral share the key to my apartment, and not anyone else. 
Also, I would like my body to be burnt and have it be made into a jewel with the most expensive materials. After the jewel has been made, please let everyone in the world know the news. Being wanted by people all around the worlds is a valuable experience. But please be careful about the security. I don't want my body to lose its home. Prepare the best safe you can buy, and place it there. 

Finally, please read this out loud for all of the people who are invited to my second funeral: I have always dreamed of changing the society and worked on it all my life. It is sure that by the time I am dead, not so many changes have taken place in our society. Please look into our society once in a time by chance you think of me, and when there is any change that I have been dreaming of, please celebrate it in our place for me. Thank you, for all of the things we did together and for all of the times we spent together. My life has been happy because you were next to me, and I have lived a regret-less life thanks to you. I am happy that you are here and saying a final farewell to me. I will miss you. I have not said such things to you as much as I feel this kind of feelings towards you, but my precious ones, I really do love you. 


  1. Interesting and cute. So the apartment is supposed to be a sort of monument or museum dedicated to your memory? You must have a lot of money left for this - and some might argue that it could be used for something more useful (can we rent it out on Air BnB at least?). Well written and creative, I would definitely be interested in attending this funeral, despite the music (not many 40 year old Canadian men desire the sounds of "the Beebz," but I understand why some do). :p


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